Why Choose Us

  • Best Doctor to Patients Ratio.
  • Participation in more than 10 Quality Assurance Programs.
  • One of the best Diagnostic Center Infrastructure with more than 2000 sq. ft. of Patient’s service center and 3000 sq. ft. of State Of Art laboratory.

  • Our technology partners are leaders in diagnostic services like ABBOTT, Beckman Coulter, Sysmex, Transasia, Biomerieux & Cepheid.

  • Diagnostic industry is now becoming faceless in this digital world with an average individual receiving several messages every week for blood testing. Sunflower Laboratory & Diagnostic center is a unique standalone diagnostic center that showcases the best that the diagnostic industry and healthcare have to offer.
  • We have more than 50% technical staff with more than 10 years of experience.

Quality Assurance Program (Certificate)

Clinical Chemistry



Clinical Chemistry

